I originally wrote this blog post in 2010 . . . amazingly to me, that was 7 years ago. We buried my dear "father-in-law" yesterday. His name is in quotes because although that was his official title, to me he was Dad. We will miss him terribly, but will be forever grateful and blessed to have had this journey through life with him.
Our table has grown. My son (in college in my earlier post) and "daughter-in-law" are hosting, and all I have to do is make the stuffing. Although, I do not have my Mom's exact recipe, I do remember most of it, but will add my own twist and hopefully, this will become our new favorite.
I hope that your Thanksgiving brings you together with those you love. And don't forget to wear your stretchy pants!
I have always enjoyed our Thanksgiving together.
I have to admit, as our children grew and went off to college, having them home for Thanksgiving break was, well, a blessing! Never mind the laundry they brought home and the fact they slept half the day away, it is wonderful to have our house noisy again. With our son still away at college, we eagerly awaited Thanksgiving break.
Our daughter has become a better cook than I am and is making most of the meal today. She is using ingredients that need to be explained to me! She loves to experiment and we love to try everything! The chocolate chip cookies she made from a Martha Stewart recipe were hands-down the best I ever tasted!
Displayed on our Thanksgiving table since my son was in 5th grade is a simple CCD project . . . a 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper sitting in a frame is what Thanksgiving meant to him at that time . . . you know the project where you have to come up with a word for each letter in Thanksgiving . . . from his "H" word (helping others) to "I" (I love my family) . . . we smile whenever we read it. My son, who thought the role of a writing project at that time was to see who finished first, well he actually spent some of his 9 year old mind on this project.
My Mom is disabled and due to health reasons, will not be able to join us here for our Thanksgiving tradition. So we have decided to create a "moveable feast" . . . we will bring the cooked turkey, my daughter's new found mashed potato recipe, the dinnerware, silverware and napkins to her and my Dad. I have just packed up my son's 5th grade CCD project, because, well, it just wouldn't be the same without that on the table.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!